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5 Types of Security Personnel to Choose From for Your Event

As you plan your big event — no matter whether it's a museum opening, an outdoor concert, a job fair, or something completely unique — security has to be one of your concerns. Today's event organizers face an insecure world with threats that few had envisioned just a few years ago.

One of the best ways to meet the potential risks of large events is to have the right security personnel. What security staff choices do you have? And how can you deploy them in the best way? Here's a short guide to the five main types of event security personnel.

1. Door Security

The front gate or door security checkpoint is the first line of defense for your venue.  The door security guards will check arriving guests' bags or use metal detectors to prevent unauthorized items from being carried into the event. They may also check tickets or badges, although you should try to have separate staff checking tickets if possible. Additionally, they could keep watch for drunk patrons, suspicious persons, or those looking for trouble.

2. Gatekeepers

Do you have areas of the event where guests are not allowed? Then you likely need to hire at least one person to serve as a gatekeeper.

This type of security station protects specific locations — like VIP rooms, stage entrances, private rooms, vendor areas, or bag check rooms — and ensures that everyone entering has proper authorization to be there.

3. Mobile Patrols

You likely don't want to station all your security personnel in one single location. Hire a few guards to patrol around the venue's locations and check for trouble.

Mobile patrols will look for things like secure doors and gates, suspicious objects, and people acting strangely. They are also available if there is an emergency, a lost child, or someone in need of assistance. You can opt to hire either plainclothes security patrols or uniformed staff for a more visible presence.

4. VIP Bodyguards

Will there be any VIP guests or speakers? Or will the event feature especially expensive or irreplaceable assets, such as artwork, antique items, jewels, or prototype inventions? If so, then personal security measures should be taken. Assign an individual or team of individuals to focus their attention on protecting this one important element.

Your event staff would work with the VIP's manager or the asset's owner to determine what level of security is necessary. An experienced manager or asset owner will likely have an idea of what security measures they prefer, so you can defer to their judgment in most cases.

5. Crowd Control

Crowd control specialists are particularly important at events where there may be a lot of partying and alcohol — like music festivals, concerts, outdoor movies, or carnivals. Even if your event will be a more sedate event, you may still have crowd control issues if everyone tries to enter at the same time, if lines are long or hot, or if there is limited space.

While mobile foot patrols wander the area to ensure overall safety, crowd control personnel focus on maintaining peace among guests. They can help direct traffic before, during, and after the event. They may also assist with keeping order in the parking lot, and they will be alert for any potential troublemakers in a big crowd.

Which of these types of security guard does your event require? The best way to find the right mix is to work with an experienced venue security service. At Security Services Northwest, Inc., we offer our expertise to help you design the correct amount of protection for any event. Call today to learn more.

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